30 intresting facts about North Korea

  1. North Korea, officially called the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), is a country located in East Asia.
  2. It is bordered by China to the north, Russia to the northeast, and South Korea to the south.
  3. The capital of North Korea is Pyongyang.
  4. The official language is Korean.
  5. The currency is the North Korean won.
  6. The population is around 25 million people.
  7. North Korea is a single-party communist state.
  8. The government is led by the dictator Kim Jong-un, who has held power since 2011.
  9. North Korea is one of the most isolated and repressive countries in the world.
  10. The government controls all aspects of life, including the media and access to information.
  11. The country has a cult of personality surrounding the ruling Kim dynasty, with the leaders treated as gods.
  12. North Korea has one of the largest standing armies in the world, with around 1.3 million active personnel.
  13. The country is known for its nuclear weapons program and has conducted several nuclear tests.
  14. North Korea has a highly centralized economy that is based on state ownership of industries and collectivization of agriculture.
  15. The country is one of the poorest in the world, with a GDP per capita of around $1,800.
  16. The majority of the population lives in poverty, and there is a widespread shortage of food and basic necessities.
  17. North Korea has a state-controlled education system, with schools teaching a strict ideology that promotes the ruling regime.
  18. The country has a universal healthcare system, but access to medical care is limited, and facilities are often poorly equipped.
  19. North Korea has a strict system of censorship, and access to the internet is heavily restricted.
  20. The country has a high rate of imprisonment, with an estimated 150,000 to 200,000 people being held in political prison camps.
  21. The human rights situation in North Korea is widely considered to be one of the worst in the world.
  22. The country has been accused of crimes against humanity, including forced labor, torture, and mass starvation.
  23. The government has a history of repression against minority groups, including Christians and the LGBTQ+ community.
  24. The media in North Korea is state-controlled and strictly censors any criticism of the government.
  25. The country has a cult of personality surrounding the ruling Kim dynasty, with the leaders treated as gods.
  26. North Korea has a strict dress code, and citizens are required to adhere to a specific style of clothing.
  27. The country has a high rate of alcoholism, with the government promoting the consumption of locally produced alcohol.
  28. North Korea has a state-controlled music and arts scene, and all forms of expression must be approved by the government.
  29. The country has a large military parade every year on April 15th to celebrate the birthday of the country's founder, Kim Il-sung.
  30. North Korea is known for its extravagant public events and mass performances, including the Mass Games, which involve thousands of performers.

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